

Eighty four years after its inception, The Acton Garden Club continues to follow the traditions and goals of its founding members and adheres to its original purpose:

To promote a greater interest in gardening and to share experiences that shall be of mutual benefit


  • To provide opportunities for learning in the areas of horticulture, floral
    design, landscape design, and environmental issues. This is accomplished
    by offering informational programs, staging flower shows, and
    committing to community service projects. Participation in GCFM
    sponsored programs is encouraged.
  • To promote civic beauty with seasonal plantings throughout the Town,
    to maintain the historic gardens, and to promote well-being through
    garden therapy.
  • To encourage study in the environmental sciences by awarding scholarships
    to graduating Acton seniors who intend to major in an environmental
    field, and award educational grants to Town of Acton employees
    and Town organizations to directly benefit residents of Acton
  • To respond to requests by local community agencies for floral arrangements,
    financial assistance, or volunteers to help with civic projects.